Author: michael

There have been many presidential elections over the course of our nation’s history that have been decided by economic factors, as this is the one area of politics that actually impacts the day-to-day living of every single person in the country, regardless of whether you’re a Democrat or Republican. And it looks like the 2024 election is going to be no different. If you’re President Joe Biden, seeking reelection, that’s very bad news, because the current economy sucks royally. People are livid over what’s happening to the economy, and trust me when I say, they have first hand experience of…

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Most of the so-called “late night comedians” who host talk shows in the evening hours are unfunny hacks who are slanted so far to the left it’s like they’re trying to do an impression of Michael Jackson in the video for “Smooth Criminal.” All they do is rehash the same material over and over again, making fun of former President Donald Trump and his supporters. They often pick up false narratives from the media and push those during their lame monologues, which are always uninspired drivel. But not all of them are this way. Jon Stewart, host of “The Daily…

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President Joe Biden’s cognitive decline has seemingly erased the understanding and definition of the phrase “irony,” as he made a speech on Tuesday afternoon where he scolded gun owners at an event promoting gun control by asking, “Who in God’s name needs a magazine that holds 200 shells?” Why is this is ironic? The speech was delivered just a few hours after his own son, Hunter Biden, was found guilty on three felony gun charges. You just can’t make this stuff up. We really are living in Clown World. I don’t know how it happened. Maybe two alternate realities accidentally…

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Leftist radio show host Charlamagne Tha God put his fellow Democrats on full blast on Wednesday night’s episode of “The Daily Show” for not talking like “real people.” I mean, he’s not wrong. How often have Democrats sounded completely out of touch with the average American voter? What they say and what’s actually happening in our country is often two separate things. And speaking like a politician does nothing but alienate people. Charlamagne Tha God then went on to say that Democrats need to learn how to effectively communicate with normal people by taking a look at the Republican Party,…

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Ladies and gentlemen, I have a very sad announcement to make. I regret to inform you all, my dear, dear readers, of the passing of one of our most beloved film and television franchises: Star Wars. Please, feel free to pull out that old Luke Skywalker lightsaber dueling comforter you had as a child and weep into it as you mourn the loss of what might have been. I know what you’re thinking. That’s a bit heavy-handed. Really, it’s a bit over the top. Some could go so far as to say I’m being “emotionally manipulative.” Guilty on all counts,…

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Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, weighed in on the recent guilty verdict of Hunter Biden, stating that this is only the start of the consequences he could face for much greater criminal charges coming down the road. Some of the stuff we all know this guy has been involved with — thanks to that infamous laptop — will make the federal gun charges he just got nailed for look like jay walking. A report from The Daily Caller said that Biden was convicted by a jury of his peers on three felony counts connected with the…

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Bill Burr, a very outspoken, highly opinionated comedian, took an opportunity during a recent live performance at the UC Berkeley’s campus on June 8 to absolutely rip into liberals and crack wise about President Joe Biden’s very apparent problems with cognitive decline. Some might say that’s going too far, but hey, that’s the point of comedy. It’s supposed to a little bit of truth mixed in with a bit of exaggeration to help a specific point that is kind of, sort of brutal be easier to swallow. Burr performed his set at the university’s Greek Theatre, obliterating the radical left…

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In news that is sure to make liberal Democrats blow steam out of their ears, a brand new survey from the folks over at Fox News of registered voters has revealed that former President Donald Trump and current commander-in-chief Joe Biden, are now in a dead tie for control of the state of Virginia. The two men are now tied at 48 percent. During the last presidential election in 2020, Biden won the state by a total of 10 points. Again, the reputation of Joe Biden has preceded itself. Has the insanely high rate of inflation, coupled with an egregiously…

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One of the biggest advantages that President Joe Biden has enjoyed over former President Donald Trump is that of campaign financing, which, I know, sounds strange when you think of Trump being a billionaire, but the truth is, Biden has had way more donors who have deep pockets and are locked into supporting the progressive agenda. However, Biden’s advantage in that realm has now been whittled down to almost insignificant. As if Biden didn’t already have an uphill battle politically speaking after his horrendous performance in the White House, he’s now losing out in the finance department. Things are beginning…

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Former President Donald Trump is an expert-level troll when it comes to the radical left, but what could be about to happen involving the creation of a $500 bill could take it all to a level previously unlocked. We’re talking about god-tier level trolling here. Just picture this for a moment. The creation of a $500 bill with Trump’s cocky smirk plastered on it. Leftists would lose their minds. It would be one of the most brilliant and awesome temper tantrums in the history of progressivism. They would be taking to the streets to cry, whine, hold candle light vigils,…

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On Monday of this week, Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan submitted a plan that would yank funding away from the group of prosecutors who are attempting to transform our legal system into a political weapon to be used against former President Donald Trump, which is absolutely the right course of action to take. Conservatives need to fight back against the tactics being utilized by the radical Democrats in government and out on the streets. No, that is not a call for violence of any kind. The kind of fight we wage is one to win hearts and minds while using…

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A popular recurring guest on a YouTube channel hosted by an individual who goes by the name Ms. Rachel, which is geared toward young kids, recently performed at a gay pride event where a number of entertainers decked out in drag danced in front of a group of children, which infuriated Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, who claimed the incident is additional proof that parents need to stay away from the content on the channel. The “Queer Fam Pride Jam” took place at Millenium Park, located in Chicago, Illinois, and featured Jules Hoffman, one of the stars on a YouTube…

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President Joe Biden is clearly getting nervous. He has every reason to be, considering how awful his current poll numbers are, not to mention the fact he’s pretty much cost the Democratic Party the black vote — formerly a guarantee for the left — and many other bumbles and bungles. He’s soon to face former President Donald Trump in a debate this month (June 2024), wherre the former president will no doubt hold his feet to the fire on the plethora of failed policies he’s enacted in his three-and-a-half years in the White House. One of those enormous failures is…

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Louisiana Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has, according to a new report from Axios, been getting mentored by a very infamous former speaker that will no doubt leave current members of the GOP cringing: former Speaker John Boehner of Ohio. I mean, if Johnson really hates himself enough to commit career suicide by partnering up with someone as disgraced as Boehner to learn the ways of an establishment politician, why in the heck did he even bother running for Speaker of the House in the first place? It seems like a massive waste of time and resources. In…

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We all know how much the radical left-wing dolts of Hollywood hate former President Donald Trump, as they haven’t stopped complaining about him and whining about him since he first announced he was running for the White House in the 2016 presidential election. So it’ll be no surprise to hear that these same brain dead children in adult skin suits were absolutely tickled pink to find out that Trump was found guilty of all charges — 34 in total — and immediately started celebrating the news. The overwhelming majority of comments on the situation are negative in nature with most…

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The propagandists working in leftist media outlets, like Reuters for example, are already seizing opportunities to slam Trump supporters following the guilty verdict in former President Donald Trump’s alleged “hush money” trial, stating that those who are big fans of his are super mad about how things shook out and are calling for “riots” and “violent retribution.” Trump was convicted on a total of 34 counts of falsifying business records in connection with an alleged monetary payment to former pornstar Stormy Daniels concerning an alleged affair the two had prior to the 2016 presidential election. According to Breitbart, the headline…

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This might sound a bit crazy, but I promise you, if you understand how the spiritual realm works, you’ll understand exactly what I’m attempting to communicate about the sick, twisted, and absolutely demonic Planned Parenthood. I know what you’re thinking already. When a guy starts off a story by saying he’s not crazy, he’s probably, well, nuttier than a fruitcake. Just roll with it. Back in the Ancient Near East, there was a false pagan deity named Moloch who came from the Caananites. His very name means “sacrifice.” Children, many of whom were infants, were sacrificed by people of the…

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President Joe Biden’s poll numbers are swirling around the bottom of the toilet bowl and Democrats are really beginning to worry about his chances of defeating former President Donald Trump this fall. And they have every reason to sweat bullets as Biden is also causing the Democratic Party to lose their grip on former strongholds like black voters, which is becoming an increasing problem for the older-than-dirt leftist commander-in-chief. Many popular and well known black officials are tossing out warnings left and right to the president’s campaign that what he’s doing to try and keep individuals in this demographic enthused…

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One of the most critical Civil Rights issues of all-time, without question, is whether or not babies yet to be “born” have a right to live and exist. Those of us who are Christians and well, just decent human beings, know the answer is a resounding “yes.” Whether a child is in or out of the womb, they too are human and have all of the same rights you and I do, which do not come from the government, but the very mind and heart of God Himself. That, of course, has not stopped evil, wicked, and twisted liberals from…

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Former President Donald Trump called Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro a “wacko” after he made an appearance at campaign event for President Joe Biden outside the Manhattan courthouse where Trump’s “hush money” case continued on Tuesday. And that’s pretty much the same thought we all had about De Niro after beholding his irate and unhinged behavior at the event. I think the “The Godfather II” star needs to get some therapy because he was definitely off his rocker with a number of the comments he made. According to The Daily Wire, De Niro made the claim that American freedoms “will…

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