A legendary conservative journalist, Andrew Breitbart, once said that politics are downstream from culture. Nothing could be truer than that statement. If you want to make an impact on this country, you start by finding a way to influence the culture. Politicians are a dime a dozen and most people don’t trust them as far as they can throw them. Real change comes from being involved in the arts, finding creative ways to communicate timeless truths and messaging without brow beating folks with your principles.
For decades now, the left has ruled the roost when it comes to engagement of popular culture. They’ve owned the entertainment industry on just about every front, whether it be movies, television, music, comic books, novels, you name it. Progressives have used these art forms as delivery systems for their twisted woke ideologies, attempting to brainwash the masses to become statist robots who hate anyone who dare challenge the status quo. That means conservatives.
However, we’re experiencing a seismic shift away from woke and toward conservative principles. Why? Conservatives are finally starting to get the point about the importance of how our message is delivered to people, especially minorities who have been victims of horrific left-wing policies for too many years to count.
Want a piece of evidence to support my claim?
A video game produced by Warner-Brothers Discovery called “Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League” has officially crashed and burned due to its over-the-top woke agenda. The game was just released at the end of January 2024. The company that produced this garbage has announced they will officially be shutting down online services.
Via The Western Journal:
Service on the game will cease in January 2025, after the release of the game’s final bit of planned downloadable content. The game was a disrespectful, nonsensical (even by superhero standards) mess, and wore its genuinely woke influences on its sleeves. For example, did you know that, per this game, Wonder Woman is basically the only competent superhero because of girl-boss drivel? Yes, men are awful, evil, and the scourge of the earth. Is this a video game or a seminar on fourth-wave feminism?
Between this video game and some other important thing that happened on Nov. 5, it’s clear that 2024 is the year everyday Americans of all persuasions — from construction worker fathers to video gamer daughters — collectively repudiated the far-left mafia and its bullying ways. No, gamers don’t want to be lectured about social activism any more than the blue-collar GOP voter who doesn’t want to be shamed because people who use “they/them” pronouns are stupid.
I happen to be a bit of a gamer myself. I follow quite a few gaming influencers on social media and I can confirm the vast majority are truly sick and tired of the quality of the games coming out right now being compromised in the story and game play department due to companies wanting to appease what is clearly a small portion of individuals who want activism to saturate every piece of media they consume.
Frankly, the absolute flop that was “Suicide Squad” portended President-elect Donald Trump’s election night victory better than any poll or prognostication could have. Whether it’s with their wallets or at the ballots, Americans are learning that their voices, drowned out by the screeching minority for too long, actually carry quite a bit of heft and power. Their voices killed a far-left game (and even if you take the social activism out, there is plenty about the game that prioritizes the worst of modern “live service” video games) that had titanic studios backing it.
Signs are emerging that the entertainment industry is finally starting to grasp the point. For example, Disney cut a transgender storyline from a new animated series for Disney+, going on to release a statement that gender identity is a topic that should be reserved for parents to discuss with their kids. I sincerely hope this trend continues across all of the entertainment industry.