Author: clayton

Ever since it’s inception, The Liberty Leader has been a pure political satire site. However starting this week, we’re making some changes! Don’t worry, we’ll still be making fun of our politicians, but we won’t be doing it as “satire” anymore. Instead, we’ll just be making fun of them straight up! Instead of writing satire stories, we’ll be commenting on REAL stories from our point of view (with plenty of snark). If we can make you laugh along the way, even better. God bless

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President Joe Biden has announced a bold promise to call for a ceasefire in Ukraine – with one significant caveat: the ceasefire will only be pursued once his son, Hunter, completes his laundry cycle of money laundering endeavors. The unexpected announcement came during a hastily arranged press briefing at the White House, where Biden, flanked by a stack of freshly washed bills and a visibly agitated Hunter, addressed the nation with all the gravity of a parent waiting for their child to finish their chores. “Folks, I want to assure you that we are fully committed to bringing peace and…

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President Joe Biden has unveiled his latest “plan” for stimulating economic growth: installing a giant coin slot in Capitol Hill and encouraging citizens to make wishful deposits. The unexpected announcement, made during a press conference at the White House, has left many scratching their heads while others search their pockets for spare change. “Folks, we’ve got to get creative if we want to jumpstart this economy,” Biden declared, his tone a mix of earnestness and playful optimism. “And what better way to do that than by tapping into the power of wishful thinking? So, I’m proud to announce our new…

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In a move that has left both immigration advocates and border security hardliners scratching their heads, President Joe Biden has unveiled a bold new plan to address the ongoing border crisis: hiring “Border Concierges” to welcome immigrants with gift bags and spa coupons. The unexpected announcement, made during a press conference at the White House, has sparked a flurry of debate and speculation about the administration’s approach to immigration policy. “Folks, we’ve got a humanitarian crisis on our hands,” Biden declared, his tone somber yet tinged with optimism. “And we need to respond with compassion and empathy. That’s why we’re…

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In a final act that’s as baffling as it is predictable, O.J. Simpson, infamous for his sensational murder trial in the 1990s, has succumbed to cancer at the age of 74. However, even in death, Simpson manages to stir controversy by leaving behind a manuscript titled, “If I Did Beat Cancer, Here’s How I Would Have Done It.” The announcement of Simpson’s passing sent shockwaves through the media, with many outlets scrambling to piece together the enigmatic legacy of the former football star turned tabloid fixture. “It’s classic O.J.,” remarked one veteran journalist, shaking his head in disbelief. “Even in…

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President Joe Biden recently declared that undocumented immigrants must commit at least 273 crimes before facing arrest and deportation. The perplexing announcement came during a press conference at the White House, where Biden, flanked by confused aides and a stack of legal textbooks, attempted to clarify his controversial stance. “Listen, folks, we’ve got to be fair and just,” Biden declared, his voice echoing through the press room like a poorly-tuned radio. “These folks are just trying to make a better life for themselves, you know? And who are we to stand in their way? So, I’ve decided that we’ll only…

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*This Article is satire. Treat it as such* President Joe Biden has unveiled a daring plan to save the country from a looming banking collapse. His solution? Replace traditional dollar bills with ‘I Owe You One’ notes, effectively transforming the entire financial system into one giant IOU party. With the Treasury Department already firing up the printing presses for the new currency, Biden addressed the nation from behind a podium adorned with a giant inflatable piggy bank. “Folks, we’ve got a crisis on our hands,” Biden declared, his trademark aviators glinting in the TV lights. “But fear not, because Uncle…

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*The following article is satire. Treat is as such* Trump Tower has skyrocketed in value to a mind-boggling $5 trillion after every room was adorned with paintings by none other than Hunter Biden. The unexpected surge in worth has sent shockwaves through the Manhattan real estate market and sparked rumors of a budding friendship between the two political dynasties. “It’s incredible, folks, really incredible,” declared former President Donald Trump, sporting a signature grin as wide as his penchant for hyperbole. “I always knew Hunter was a real talent. And now, thanks to him, my tower is worth more than all…

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In a move that has stunned both the construction industry and preschool television enthusiasts alike, President Joe Biden has appointed none other than Bob the Builder to lead the reconstruction efforts of the Baltimore bridge. The announcement, made during a press conference at the White House, left reporters and onlookers alike blinking in disbelief. “Can we fix it? Yes, we can!” exclaimed Biden with a hearty chuckle, flanked by a life-sized cardboard cutout of the beloved animated character. “Bob has been building bridges and fixing things for years, and I can’t think of anyone better to tackle this monumental task.…

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President Joe Biden has directed the Treasury Department to fire up the printing presses and churn out more Monopoly money to tackle the nation’s inflation woes. This unconventional strategy, announced amidst a flurry of skepticism and giggles, has already set tongues wagging and board game enthusiasts dusting off their top hats and thimbles. “Listen up, folks,” Biden declared with a twinkle in his eye, flanked by oversized Monopoly game pieces at the White House press briefing. “We’ve got a problem, and it’s time to think outside the box. And inside the Community Chest, for that matter. So, we’re going to…

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Former President Donald Trump has once again defied the odds and emerged victorious, this time by openly committing a felony just to prove he could get away with it The spectacle unfolded on the steps of the Supreme Court, where Trump, flanked by his loyal supporters and a gold-plated podium, proudly announced his intentions. “I’m going to do something tremendous, folks. Something no one else has the guts to do,” Trump declared, his signature comb-over gleaming in the afternoon sun. “I’m going to commit a felony right here, right now, and I guarantee you, I’ll walk away scot-free. Because that’s…

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Former President Donald Trump was exonerated in Georgia of charges under the RICO statutes after Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared that RICO “is not a crime,” especially if President Joe Biden might be involved in similar activities. The courtroom, packed with spectators, media, and a roaming band of confused tourists, erupted into a mix of cheers, groans, and bewildered murmurs as the judge cited AOC’s statement as a pivotal factor in his ruling. “Well,” the judge began, adjusting his glasses with an air of resignation, “if a distinguished member of Congress believes that RICO— a cornerstone of our legal system used…

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President Joe Biden boldly claimed yesterday that he was, in fact, the original inventor of the Internet. In an even more generous twist, the President graciously conceded that former Vice President Al Gore may have played a minor role in its creation, possibly by fetching coffee or handling some light paperwork. “I remember it like it was yesterday,” Biden reminisced during a press conference, inadvertently dating the invention of the Internet to sometime in the mid-1950s. “I was sitting in my garage, hammering away at the first modem, when Al Gore showed up and asked if he could help. I…

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Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have officially clarified their stance on the term “bloodbath.” Once considered a universally negative term, especially after Trump used it during his recent rally, it has now been deemed acceptable, but with a crucial caveat: it’s perfectly fine as long as it’s referring to political violence against Donald Trump. The clarification came during a press conference held by a highly enthusiastic spokesperson for the Democratic National Committee. Surrounded by banners emblazoned with peace signs and recycling logos, the spokesperson passionately declared, “When we say ‘bloodbath,’ we’re not advocating for violence, per se. We’re just…

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Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida and one-time Presidential hopeful, has defeated Vladimir Putin in a landslide victory for the Russian Presidency. The news has sent shockwaves through the international community, with many wondering how Bush managed to campaign in a country where his most famous catchphrase, “Please clap,” was lost in translation. Bush’s unexpected campaign, dubbed “Jeb Can Fix It – Yes, Even Russia,” began as a modest social media movement but quickly gained momentum, thanks in part to his promises of more lenient policies on sweater vests and his innovative approach to foreign policy, which primarily involves sending…

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The Biden administration has stepped forward with a groundbreaking solution to ensure the American public stays informed, or at least uniformly misinformed. The government announced today its latest initiative: “Don’t worry your pretty little heads about following the news; we’ll spoon-feed you the state-approved message directly.” “We’ve noticed a troubling trend of individuals trying to think for themselves and, even worse, doing their own research,” Biden said in a speech. “This initiative is about simplifying your lives. Think of us as your personal news sommelier, selecting only the finest, most palatable narratives for your consumption.” Under this revolutionary program, Americans…

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Note: the following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. During his recent rally in Georgia, former President Donald Trump told his audience that should he return to the Oval Office in January of 2025, he will solve all of the world’s problems within the first 72 hours of his presidency. “Look, folks, it’s very simple,” Trump boomed, addressing a sea of red hats. “I’ve done it all before, and I’ll do it again, but faster. Much faster. We’re talking record-breaking problem-solving here.” The comprehensive list of issues set to be resolved includes, but is…

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Note: the following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. In a shocking turn of events that has left many a Democrat reeling, the concept of ‘due process’ has dared to rear its head in the legal proceedings against former President Donald Trump. Reports have surfaced from across the nation of Democrats in a state of utter disbelief that the legal system would have the audacity to grant Trump the same rights afforded to every American citizen. “It’s outrageous,” exclaimed Joe Biden. “Since when do we allow facts and legal procedures to get in the…

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Note: the following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. In a groundbreaking move that has political analysts scratching their heads and English teachers everywhere rejoicing, Vice President Kamala Harris has unveiled her latest initiative aimed at revolutionizing political discourse: converting all uncomfortable political questions into word clouds. Dubbed “Clouding the Issue,” this innovative approach seeks to address the nation’s most pressing concerns with a mix of creativity and a touch of mystique. “Words have power, but word clouds have mystery,” Harris declared at the launch event, standing before a giant screen displaying a colorful…

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*NOTE: This article is satirical* In an awe-inspiring display of environmental activism, pop sensation Taylor Swift took to TikTok Live from the luxurious confines of her private jet, passionately decrying the existential threat of global warming. Swift, adorned in designer eco-friendly attire, spared no expense in detailing the dire consequences of climate change, all while jet-setting to her next concert venue. “As I look out the window at the clouds below, I’m reminded of the fragility of our planet,” Swift solemnly declared, sipping on an artesian water bottled at a sustainable source mere continents away. “It’s imperative that we all…

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