Author: will

Constitutional Carry is the idea that the 2nd Amendment gives all law-abiding Americans the right to carry a firearm or other weapon for their defense and, thus, that those citizens don’t need a permit to carry. As a reminder, the 2nd Amendment provides that: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The Constitutional Carry advocates are firm believers that the part saying “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” means just that: that…

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One major threat facing American gun companies right now is that banks are deciding that such companies shouldn’t exist, and thus are cutting them off from financial services and markets in a campaign of debanking. By starving the banks of funds and the ability to buy and sell goods and services as needed, the leftist-run banks aim to shut down the American firearm industry, Well, the Arizona legislature is weighing taking action to stop such anti-liberty attacks on the right of American firearm companies to conduct their business. If the firearm companies are acting legally, why should the financial pipelines…

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If you’ve ever tried buying a suppressor, you’ll know that it used to be a pain. To buy what’s essentially a cool-looking hearing protector, you need to fill out a special ATF form, pay a $200 tax stamp to satisfy FDR’s NFA requirement, then wait months on end for the ATF to approve your form. The first two steps might be reasonable, even if not exactly in line with the 2nd Amendment. Having to fill out and file a form seems like a reasonable way to make sure that criminals and people on terror watch lists don’t get their hands…

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Leftists in California have been trying to ram through SB-906, a gun control bill that would require gun-owning parents of children in California schools to inform those schools that they own firearms, supposedly as a way of stopping mass shootings. Specifically, the legislative digest describing the bill’s provisions provides that (emphasis ours): This bill would require, on or before January 1, 2023, the State Department of Education, in consultation with the Department of Justice, to develop model content for use by local educational agencies related to a threat or perceived threat of an incident of mass casualties at a school.…

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The left, in its desperate attempts to rally voters around the blood-stained banner of wokeness during the George Floyd riots, started pushing the “defund the police” message. Even now, with the massive unpopularity of that deranged message well known, many of them still push the claim that police need to be defunded and demand that police stop policing certain crimes. From gangbangers to petty criminals, those that commit crimes in many leftist cities are let off with a slap on the wrist, if that. Cops, when they intervene and try to protect law-abiding citizens and businesses from the ravages of…

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If liberty in America is to survive, it’s not just that patriotic Americans must stand up for what they believe in and keep resisting the gradual, creeping approach of tyranny. Chopping off the branches of that evil, pernicious force is great, but far from enough. No, America needs the big guns back on its side: it needs the corporations that produce what is seen by many around the world as American culture. Like Big Business or hate it, and there are many arguments on both sides, America largely won the Cold War because of the economic miracle created by its…

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One idea that’s been circulating around the right, particularly the New Right, in the wake of the massive levels of social media censorship that came with the Trump years is the idea of regulating Big Tech companies as utilities. Particularly, some on the right want to regulate the large social media companies, companies whose platforms have essentially become the new public squares, as “common carriers.” Under existing American law, law that Cornell’s Legal Information Institute has done an excellent job of compiling, “A common carrier is a person or a commercial enterprise that transports passengers or goods for a fee and establishes that their…

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Many leftists (incorrectly) claim that the right’s fixation on what is being taught in schools is just a cynical culture war play, a way of using an emotional issue to garner political support. While it is true that the right’s crusade to kick radical lesson plans and pornographic or otherwise objectionable books out of schools has proven politically popular, those leftists who savagely attack the right for getting involved in schools are misrepresenting the impetus behind the right’s crusade. Far from just being a concern about current politics, the battle over the schools is a battle over America’s future and…

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This video has been making the rounds on Twitter recently but, in case you haven’t seen it yet, give it a watch here: What you see in that video is the best defense ever of the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense. A big, burly man, sat waiting in a car for a potential victim to walk close by enough to assault. A young woman, just going about her business, was walking nearby, so he tore our of the car like a flash and rushed toward her, ready to do God knows what to her. Perhaps his…

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If you’re a landowner, particularly of rural hunting land, you’ve probably had to deal with trespassers and poachers. They batter down the gates, drive over the fences, and otherwise make nuisances of themselves getting onto your property all while the government does very little to actually deal with them. It’s a huge pain, one that many landowners have to deal with. One hallmark of that infuriating trespass is that poachers will often leave trail cameras scattered around your property, either hidden or out in the open, so that they can kill your game. As such, it seems reasonable to remove…

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Globalism is more than just the moving of factories to sources of cheap labor, the financialization of the West, and (now) the ability for viruses to plague not only the country of origin and those close by, but all countries within the vast web of the globalist network. No, globalism isn’t just economic and medical in nature, it’s also a homogenizing force. With globalism and the nature of the globalist system comes a pressure system that forces nations to conform and adopt whatever the standard of the day is. Hence why France is suddenly afflicted with the American plague of…

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In China, one is not free to do whatever one wants (obviously). Though the days of Mao’s Red Guards are gone and with them the millions sent to camps to starve, random victims beaten in the streets, and the vast destruction of everything that wasn’t communist, the totalitarian oppression brought about by the communists is still in place, just in a different form. Business Insider, describing the social credit system, notes that: The “social credit system,” first announced in 2014, is “an important component part of the Socialist market economy system and the social governance system” and aims to reinforce…

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Why is it that you were locked in your home, unable to leave except perhaps to buy groceries, while judges like Biden’s Supreme Court nominee did their best to let criminals out of jail? Why is it that BLM and Antifa rioters could roam free, burning and looting seemingly at will, but you had to close your business and stay home. Why is it that a rioter was more or less let off the hook for burning down a building with a man inside it but Kyle Rittenhouse was put through the wringer for daring to defend himself from the…

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Right now, inflation in America is roaring out of control. The CPI (the Consumer Price Index) is at a stomach-churning 7.9% right now, with other measures of inflation even higher. One such higher measure of inflation is the Producer Price Index, which currently sits at a massive 10%. While higher gas prices, higher food prices, and car prices so ridiculous they make your skin crawl are dominating the news, there’s another, potentially more pernicious effect of the current inflation regime: it’s wrecking small businesses, the traditional backbone of the middle class and thus economic liberty. Senator Rand Paul highlighted that…

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Normally, politicians of both parties tend to support at least some measure of gun control in the wake of a horrific shooting. While the true conservatives can be generally trusted to stand true and fight for the 2nd Amendment, all too often the RINOs and Conservative, Inc. Republicans try to appease the screaming Democrats by asserting that they’d be for “common sense” gun control proposals. That rarely comes to anything but, still, it’s important and unfortunate that they’re willing to accept gun control just because a tragedy has enraged the other side. The Constitution is, other than in the case…

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Beto (Robert) O’Rourke famously declared “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.” He must have forgotten, or just ignored, the fact that assault with a deadly weapon is already illegal. In any case, he also went off on the bullet fired by the AR-15, saying: “If the high-impact, high-velocity round, when it hits your body, shreds everything inside of your body because it was designed to do that so that you would bleed to death on a battlefield … when we see that being…

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One NBA star, Kevin Durant, has taken to the press to rip into Mayor Eric Adams of New York, the tyrant that has kept a vaccine mandate imposed on New York City as most of the country lightens up and does away with such policies. In doing so, Durant is standing up to the ruling regime and defending liberty, whatever the cost might be. Watch him do so here: As you can hear in the video, Durant says: “It’s ridiculous. I don’t get it. It just feels like at this point now somebody’s trying to make a statement or a…

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According to Republican candidate for office and Iraq War combat veteran Kent Keirsey, a brave patriot who did an excellent interview with Breitbart News about the fight for freedom, that fight isn’t occurring abroad. No, according to Keirsey, it’s occurring at home; the war for freedom is being waged domestically. But he didn’t start there. To prove his patriot credentials, Kiersey described his career and why he signed up to fight abroad, saying: “I joined the military when I was 17, went to West Point, had no doubt in my mind that America was the greatest country on the face…

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In most states, a citizen who wants to carry a weapon must have a permit to do so. Rules about what’s required to get the permit vary state to state–some require only a background check and small tax, some require hours of training, others are more involved and force you to deal with the police–while not a major hassle in most states, it is a delay that makes it harder to carry a gun if you think you need one suddenly. Further, it just doesn’t seem congruent with the 2nd Amendment, which provides that “the right to keep and bear…

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“Liberty not only means that the individual has both the opportunity and the burden of choice; it also means that he must bear the consequences of his actions and will receive praise or blame for them. Liberty and responsibility are inseparable.” -Friedrich Hayek on Liberty I think that this quote Friedrich Hayek on liberty is an excellent one for Americans to hear right now. In fact, it might be even more important than his book, The Road to Serfdom. The entire nation is struggling because of a collective lack of responsibility; we don’t understand, or perhaps have simply forgotten, that there…

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