Author: will

NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Deciding to take his Martha’s Vineyard prank to a whole new, and much more personal, level, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis decided to collect a few busloads of illegal immigrant louts to send to Nancy Pelosi’s vineyard in Napa Valley, CA. Sending out a few staffers to ask illegal immigrants if they “like getting drunk,” Team DeSantis soon had seven busloads full of illegal immigrants ready to be sent across the country in the hope of getting a few drinks at the vineyard. And so the…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. As pretty much everyone not living under a particularly large rock now knows, President Biden is a huge fan of ice cream. Whenever he gets a chance he chows down on the widely-loved dessert, particularly when he is in public and wants to look more like a man of the people. With his sunglasses on, jacket off, sleeves rolled up, and massive ice cream cone in hand, Joe looks just like a guy pretending to be a man of the people, so perhaps he’s succeeding…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. As Americans react with horror to Joe Biden’s FBI acting like the Stasi and raiding not just the Mar-a-Lago Trump residence, but also dozens of Trump allies around the country, most notably MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, Joe Biden has decided that it’s well past time to advance part two of his tyrannical agenda. What will he be doing this time? Gun confiscation? You see, as the F-15s and nuclear weapons he continues to threaten to use against Americans that disagree with him start to fall…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently broke the minds of the far-left with his decision to send about 50 illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. That was even more problematic for the left than the decision he and other GOP governors made to send busloads of illegals to far-left sanctuary cities like Washington DC and New York City, as it is a clustered group of elites that hang out at Martha’s Vineyard rather than a vast city of millions where the illegals can be left for the normal people of the…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. How are things going in the Biden White House? For yet another day in a row, not great. In fact, according to our ever-helpful source inside the White House, it appears that tensions are rising after Mayor Pete gave Hunter Biden a nasty case of monkeypox during a “men’s social event” at a DC-area bath house. Our source, speaking on that from a payphone so as to make it harder for the Clinton Foundation to track him (Or is it a her? We don’t want…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. President Slow Joe Biden is back at it with making a fool of himself in front of the whole country, now going to absurd lengths in a desperate effort to boost his approval rating before midterms come and lead to a complete and utter disaster for Democrats thanks to his presidency’s unpopularity with the average American who has been hammered by everything from humiliation abroad to devastating inflation at home. In fact, according to our anonymous source within the White House, President Biden is apparently…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Desperate to get gas prices pushed down in the months before midterms, willing to do anything to make his administration and party look better to voters as prices rise and people get angrier and angrier about the state of things, Biden might have just tried to bribe Saudi princes. Such is what a transcript of a phone call provided to us by a source within the White House shows: according to it, Biden tried to find out if the sons of the Saudi king had…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Desperate to make himself and his party look at least somewhat less bad in the run-up to midterms (though he’s unfortunately being helped by the RINOs and their unwillingness to take a stand and start fighting back against the left, giving Biden a step up), President Brandon has decided on a new PR strategy. What is it? Rather than acknowledging that his administration has made a few errors and will correct them to make us all better off, Brandon has instead started blaming random things…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. The FBI is at it again in its war on the bad orange man, this time claiming that former President Trump is, as an “attempted insurrectionist” more dangerous than the al-Qaeda terrorists that planned and carried out the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The FBI said as much in a report, released on the 21st anniversary of 9/11, no less, saying: “What happened on 9/11 was abominable, an example of what happens when people who aren’t members of liberal democracies see and hate our freedom (the FBI…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. AOC continues to make a fool of herself on the world stage, this time showing that to her, her socialist beliefs trump good sense and basic human decency. How so? By gloating over the death of Queen Elizabeth and calling for British socialists (aka the Labour Party) to “rise up and redistribute the queen’s wealth”. AOC called for that during a video she posted to Instagram on Friday afternoon. Talking into the camera in her usual manner, one that exudes utter vapidity, AOC said: “Well,…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. How are things going for the Democrats following the brutal, shocking abduction and murder of Memphis mom Eliza Fletcher? Either not too great or better than ever, depending on how delusional you are. Reasonable people will be disgusted, wokies will be filled with glee. Why? Because about as you’d expect following a shocking killing of a white person by a black career criminal, especially when it’s a white woman killed and presumably sexually assaulted by a black man that obviously should have been locked up…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. A hunched, wind-bitten figure crouches over a smoldering fire in a poorly insulated, crumbling building, desperately trying to keep wood soaked through by sleet and snow burning as hungry, wide-eyed children watch with evident desperation. Where’s that scene from? Germany. No, not the Germania of Augustus’ time, the warband-ravaged land of the Dark Ages, or some peasant hut from the disastrous Thirty Years’ War. It’s a scene from this winter, with Germans desperate to stay warm despite outrageous energy costs caused by their insane leaders…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Ready for yet more nonsense from the blue hairs? Well here it is: now Mayor Pete and co (the train-loving mayor is finally over his case of monkeypox) are pushing a ridiculous study coming out of the University of San Francisco claiming that…wait for it…wait for it…monkeypox is “actually a good thing.” Yes, really. Mayor Pete not only tweeted out the link to the article 15 times after it leaked that one of his adopted kids has a case of monkeypox (yikes, time for the…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Things got awkward during yet another one of Biden’s ridiculous speeches about how horrible his political enemies are, a speech during which he went on a long, rambling tear about how all of “his” F-15s and “those other flyboy planes” would “blow insurrectionists into…you know, the thing,” by which he probably meant that the Air Force’s array of sophisticated, ground attack capable planes could decimate anyone who dared revolt against his regime. Perhaps that’s true, as air power can prove devastating to unprepared and unprotected…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Well, Biden gave a speech that reasonable people would call “creepy as hell” last night in which he ranted on and on about how horrible Republicans, particularly MAGA Republicans, are. Ranting and raving like a delusional dictator, Brandon went wild in attacking half the country and demanding that the government wield its power and stop them from acting up. It was a ridiculous display, one bound to make Republicans uncomfortable as things get worse and worse in America and the government looks more ready than…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. How are things going at colleges around the country right now? Despite the free money handout from Team Biden in a clear attempt to buy off underachieving students, not great. That’s particularly true in the realm of free speech, something that such places obviously hate and want to do away with as fast as humanly possible. “What offends our fragile-minded, septum-pierced, blue-haired students must never be allowed,” such places might as well say. That’s even true of events at which none of those mutants show…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. The nonsense spewed by Team Biden is as dumb as ever right now, with Brandon giving a speech last night in which he told the crowd that he is demanding energy producers start pouring green dye in diesel fuel and gasoline to make it “green energy.” Though the White House later tried to play off the comment as a joke, Brandon said it with apparent seriousness, leading many to suspect that, whatever Team Biden lackies claim, Biden actually meant that he’s been haranguing executives at…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Clint Eastman is a trucker based out of Roanoake, Virginia who has the job of transporting goods for Amazon from a train station in his area to a warehouse. It’s not a long or particularly arduous drive, but it was recently made all the harder by the insane, looney policies of Virginia’s pre-Youngkin government. That government, you see, decided to mimic California’s vehicle laws. That means that, now that California decided to pass a law banning the sale of gas or diesel-powered cars after 2035,…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. According to a source within the White House, things got more than a tad awkward over the weekend when Biden, who for some reason insisted on watching college football rather than attending to his duties as president, decided to start chanting along with the crowd. At first, it was just weird as Biden was half-chanting, half-mumbling the wrong cheers whenever the crowd started going wild, his last few functional neurons trying to do their very best to remember whatever the cheers were circa 1793 when…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Things took a turn for the even more liberal and crazy on Tuesday when the University of Georgia, acting quickly to stop the tide of Biden hate before football season begins, released a press statement and sent out an email saying that it was banning any variation of the “Let’s Go Brandon/F*** Joe Biden” chant that swept the country last fall and showed just how much the average American hates our senile overlord. UGA, speaking about what is expected of students come this fall, said:…

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