Author: will

NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. While most in the political sphere have so far focused on the immense embarrassment caused the Biden Family, Biden White House, and US generally by the revelations about Hunter Biden and sickening videos of him smoking crack, normally while naked, not everyone has been so shortsighted. Some have instead looked at the positive side of the 4chan hack of Hunter’s iCloud account and the benefit afforded the world by the distraction caused by that leak. One such group looking at the positive side is the…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Jill Biden recently attempted to appeal to people who she would surely describe as “Latinx” with a ridiculous statement in which she compared them to “breakfast tacos”, saying: “Raul helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community — as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio — is your strength.” Here that is: Oh, and she mispronounced “bodega”, making it sound…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Confused over where she went wrong with her comment that Hispanic Americans are strong because they’re diverse in the same manner as breakfast tacos, Joe Biden’s horrible wife, “Dr.” Jill Biden, discussed the issue with “every Latinx individual she knew”, as she said in a recent video, to find out where she went wrong and how she could fix it. Discussing her response to the uproar over her comments in that video, “Dr.” Jill said: “I had no idea that what I said about you…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Things up in the dark blue city of New York are going about as well as you’d expect, with a series of restaurants within the city (all of which, of course, fly the rainbow flag of gay rights) announcing that they have canceled the famous Caesar salad because “Caesar was a slaver” and they “don’t support racism and slavery.” One restaurant proprietor, Courtney Williams Rosenstein, the woman who owns the (in)famous restaurant named “#BLM”, a place that serves “African and Caribbean inspired ingredients to make…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. It’s another day that ends in y and so the deranged leftists are doing something more ridiculous than what even they were proposing last week, this time trying to crack down on hunters in blue states by pretending there is such a thing as “gender neutral deer” before deer season begins. That idea, apparently developed by Admiral Rachel Levine, the transgender admiral, and Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who has finally gotten over his nasty case of monkeypox, was pushed on the states in exchange for billions…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. How are things going within the Brandon White House now that Hunter is back in town after doing God knows what while on a two-week “business trip” to the fleshpot of Bangkok? Not well, apparently, as news out of DC and videos posted to Twitter by people in the area are showing that an astounding amount of smoke is billowing from the White House and part of the building appears to be on fire. Though the exact cause of the roaring blaze is unknown, an…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such.  Kamala was supposed to be meeting with an unofficial English diplomat, Sir Roger Archibald, on Wednesday night. Though Sir Archibald wasn’t technically an official member of the British delegation, his word carries great weight both with the Crown and government, and so is a widely respected go-between for the Brits and America thanks to his position, American mother, and the respect granted him thanks to his aristocratic rank. And so Kamala was sent to meet him, though for what reason she was chosen rather than…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Well, Liz Cheney just got blown out of the water in her primary race against her Trump-backed challenger for the GOP nomination (yes, Cheney was bizarrely still running as a Republican), Harriet Hageman. Hageman, who ran an excellent campaign that was quite popular with average conservatives around the state, won by about 37 percentage points, taking in 66.3% of the vote compared to Liz Cheney’s miserable 28.9 percent of the state’s GOP vote. Though that was a massive win, it wasn’t big enough to keep…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. How are things going for RINO Liz Cheney and her “brother from another mother,” Trump-hating CNN personality and possible potato-human hybrid Brian Stelter? Not too great. Liz, as everyone who’s not living under a very, very, very thick rock has known would happen for quite a while now, just got blown out of the water, losing her primary race against Trump-backed Republican challenger Harriet Hageman in what was, despite its inevitability, a massive humiliation to the supposed Republican from Wyoming. As Liz Cheney watches her…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Following Biden’s signing of the Inflation Reduction Act that Democrats somehow managed to convince Manchin to sign and so pushed through the legislature, a few online fact-finders have decided to do what many Democrats who voted for it didn’t and read the bill, searching for all the ridiculous provisions within it. While much of the bill is bad, particularly the provisions within it regarding the new IRS agents and the new taxes placed on petroleum and stock buybacks, there’s another problem with the bill that…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. The FBI has gone full Stasi in tactics and targets, using its veritable army of agents to hunt down, intimidate, and arrest Trump supporters that it has any legal cover for tossing in the back of a van and then confining in some lonely prison cell in the bowels of a Democrat-controlled dungeon. At first, it stuck to only doing that to people caught on video breaking into the Capitol on January 6th, but now has started tossing dozens of people who were merely in…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Where’s Hunter? Hiding out in some crack house in Arkansas, apparently, as he just left a five star review of it on Yelp and Google in an incident that was more than a bit embarrassing to the Biden White House, which had claimed that Hunter kicked his crack habit years ago. But while that Yelp review was embarrassing and bad, a new, even worse Hunter Biden faux pass just leaked: Hunter, in a video recorded at a place suspected to be that Arkansas crack house,…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. According to an anonymous White House insider that spoke to us on the subject, things got crazy during the late night session in which the Democrats in both houses of the national legislature convinced President Biden to sign the “Inflation Reduction Act” despite his hesitance to sign a bill so unpopular with much of the country thanks to attacks on it pushed by much of the conservative-leaning media. Biden, questioning Schumer, apparently asked “Well how with this reduce inflation, Jack?” and Schumer had no answer,…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Hoping to defend the 2nd Amendment from further leftist attacks in the most effective way possible, a gun rights group called “Americans for Firearm Ownership” just hosted a marathon of slogan testing to find out which strategy might work at convincing libs to support gun rights, and thus block one of the major avenues for gun control laws and pro-gun control candidates. It took them weeks of testing, a good bit of creativity, and hundreds of thousands of dollars sent to participants in the study…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. It’s another day that ends in “y,” and so another new thing has been declared “racist,” regardless of what basic common sense and observance of fact would have you believe to be true. And what is that new thing that has been declared “racist” by the powers that be and those media mandarins that determine such things? Being anti-inflation, of course! Such is what was declared by Whoopi Goldberg, perhaps the most deranged of the co-hosts of ABC’s “The View.” She, speaking about it after…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. In a situation that should remind everyone of the Whitmer “assassination plot,” the Capitol craziness following the 2020 election, and Jussie Smollett’s hilarious attempt to convince people that guys wearing MAGA hats attacked him during a blizzard in Chicago and tried to lynch him after he went to Subway, the FBI has just been caught trying to convince Americans that MAGA voters are dangerous by dressing up in its version of “MAGA voter” clothes and raiding its own offices. Last night, for example, seven men…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Liz Cheney’s having played buddy-buddy with the Deep State apparatchiks, leftist oligarchs that fund the “donations” to the vote counters, and Democrats pushing the “2020 was a safe and secure election” line have paid off bigly for her, as she just won her primary race by a margin of over a million votes in a state with only about 500,000 citizens, not all of whom are even Republicans. Commenting on her win, Liz Cheney said “this massive win shows just how popular real Republicans like…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Acting quickly to take advantage of a new market created by the FBI’s drift toward acting like an American version of the Stasi, Mike Lindell’s MyPillow is now selling a new pillow meant to help people sleep even more peacefully and securely at night. I know, I know: how could you sleep even better than you already do with a typical MyPillow, “one of the greatest sleep instruments ever devised,” to paraphrase General Patton? Well, as MyPillow has already mastered the comfort side of the…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Confused as to how the Democrats’ new “Inflation Reduction Act,” a bill that Brandon himself just signed into law after it muddled its way through both houses thanks to Manchin deciding to finally go along with leftist plans? Well, you’re not alone. It makes sense to be curious how a spending bill that places a new tax on petroleum producers at a time when fuel price inflation is one of the bigger inflation-related challenges that American families face, and so many people have been asking…

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NOTE: The following article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. When President Slow Joe Biden hired “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg to be transportation secretary, he had hoped that the whole “Mayor Pete is super duper gay” thing would be a net benefit for Brandon’s Administration, showing that he’s not just an old white guy that might have said some “racist” things in the past (such things matter to the blue haired crowd, which likes to imagine that it has no flaws, unlike every other past generation), but that he’s also open-minded enough to put a gay…

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